Want to feel inspired at every day, both at work and to workout? One of the best ways: “Elevate others!” This advice comes to us from the accomplished and awesome Rhonda Vetere, a global tech executive with 20+ years of experience in helping grow companies and elevate others through her corporate life and her athletic pursuits.

She is a two-time book author, regular keynote speaker, a STEM ambassador, and an All-World Ironman 70.3 Athlete (the name for half iron distance races). Vetere has made a successful career out of helping others – companies, people, athletes, and especially women and girls – grow and find their paths to success. Vetere says that she “thrives on impacting others by elevating companies and individuals in and out of the board room.”

She recently sent an email to her subscribers in which she urged all of us to see each day as a fresh start. (We love that, since most days we would rather stay on the floor playing with the dog than get up and camera ready for our first video meeting of the day.) This is the kind of advice that has gained her legions of fans and followers (she has 272K on IG alone).

Here, she shares her secrets to motivational success, which you can uses today and everyday.

Rhonda Vetere, athlete and tech executve, on how to get motivated

So many people tell us that they feel unmotivated to get up and workout, or are uninspired by their chosen career path, and lack the spark to do their best work. They want to try to find a new job, or start training for a long-dreamed-of first triathlon but … they keep putting it off. If you relate, read on.

Follow Her Uplifting Advice to Find Motivation Both at Work and In Your Athletic Goals

Vetere is someone who finds that when she works hard, or is on a grueling travel schedule, it helps her train with even more discipline. The two things go hand in hand, and by pushing yourself in one area, it can ignite a spark in another. You can literally feel her energy, which is not only contagious, but offered freely in the form of accountability and help from Rhonda herself. She likes nothing better than when someone asks for her for help getting started.

Each Day is a New Start

Her general email advice to her fans:  “I want to challenge each of you to ensure that you look at each day as a new start and not wait for the calendar year to flip the page of life. Let’s tackle every day like it is a new year.  If you need help, please let me know – we all need an accountability partner.  Remember, stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.”

Here are our prompts to Rhonda Vetere and her motivating responses.

1. What advice would you give your younger self?


“Don’t give up on your dreams or let anyone take them away from you.” 

– Rhonda Vetere

2. We love your message to women to challenge themselves, as you do in work and in sports.

You push your own limits, in both work and sport. What taught you that ethos and was there someone in your life (a parent, teacher, coach or other person) who really instilled in you the work ethic and guts to challenge yourself?

“My great Aunt Margaret, who was one of the first females on Capitol Hill, and my Mom.”

– Rhonda Vetere

3. What advice do you have for someone who says, “I could never do that?”

For women who hear that you are a bad-ass 70.3 Ironwoman All-World Athlete, a multi-sport ambassador and someone who loves to compete with her own personal best, what advice would you give to someone who thinks: “I could never do that. But I would love to try….”

“If you say you can never do something, the chances are you won’t. Negative self talk is real and blocks your model of thinking. “

– Rhonda Vetere

Rhonda’s Response:  Remember, life isn’t about competing with others.  It is about moving forward one step at a time and competing with yourself.  What many fail to realize is that your body is capable of doing a lot and positive self talk helps. 

If you say you can never do something, the chances are you won’t- negative self talk is real and blocks your model of thinking.  

Surround yourself with people that you strive to be like and their actions and words will help infuse you with energy and show you the path. 

Feel free to reach out to me if you need an accountability partner.

“Surround yourself with people that you strive to be like and their actions and words will help infuse you with energy and show you the path.”

–Rhonda Vetere

4. How do you speak in front of large crowds, and not get nervous? What tips can you give?

You seem so relaxed in front of large television audiences and industry groups. How do you get up there and speak so fluidly, without getting nervous? Any helpful advice for being a natural up there with a microphone or camera in your face?

Rhonda Response: Being on TV, keynote speaking is a passion.  Yes, we all get that feeling in your belly – that is good, it means you care!  Welcome that feeling. But I stay focused on what key messages I want to get across and if it is a large audience I read the room.  One of my degrees is in Communication.

“We all get that feeling in your belly – that is good, it means you care!  Welcome that feeling. But I stay focused on what key messages I want to get across.”

– Rhonda Vetere

5. How do you stay motivated to not sit back and say: I’m done! Since you have achieved so much!

What advice are you currently loving, or telling yourself that helps you strive to do even more, or to climb the next big mountain (metaphorically speaking)

“Don’t quit….Push yourself to become better as we all need improvement.”

– Rhonda Vetere

Do you have a mantra or words you live by that have helped you through tough times, to keep going, and not give up?

Rhonda Response:  Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready. 

“Be your authentic self, don’t lower your voice, and if you have a point of view, state it point blank.”

– Rhonda Vetere

Anything else we should ask you? Any advice you are sharing right now?

Rhonda Response:   Be your authentic self, don’t lower your voice and if you have a point of view state it point blank.  

I am all about performance, it speaks for itself.  Results matter, metrics matter.  Have SMART Goals, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. 

“Have SMART Goals, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.”

– Rhonda Vetere

Bottom Line: Rhonda Vetere is a self-made woman, and you can be too, with a little positive self-talk and believing in your ability to do it. First step, start helping others make their way, and you’ll see that your path just opened up.

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